WASHINGTON, D.C.— One hundred and seven members of Congress today called upon President Clinton for “prompt” consideration of all options to restore endangered Snake River salmon and steelhead. With unparalleled support of a bipartisan group from 21 states, Reps. Thomas Petri (R-WI) and George Miller (D-CA)  authored a letter urging consideration of solutions to Snake River salmon recovery.


The Representatives urged the President to oppose attempts to “circumvent relevant laws or postpone” recovery options on the Snake River. The signers urged that all scientifically viable options be subjected to scientific and economic scrutiny with “equal rigor and seriousness.” Options outlined in the letter include: modifying versions of present policies, partial removal of the four dams on the Lower Snake River and other alternatives.


“This letter marks the beginning of a great national decision. Representatives from across the country and both political parties have united to consider in an open-minded way solutions to this serious problem,” said Ralph DeGennaro, Executive Director of TCS, a Washington D.C. budget watchdog group. “We need to start making some tough decisions in order to save money and save salmon. Lawmakers sent a message today that our resources should be targeted at the most promising solutions.”


“Taxpayers for Common Sense commends Mr. Petri and Mr. Miller for their strong and thoughtful leadership on this issue,” DeGennaro said. “They realize that Snake River salmon are a national economic and environmental asset as well as a special concern for regional stakeholders.”


In collecting signatures for the letter, Reps. Petri and Miller drew support from a large coalition of national and grassroots groups. TCS coordinated an effort that included nationwide organizations such as American Rivers, Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund, National Wildlife Federation, U.S. Public Interest Research Group, Trout Unlimited, Izaak Walton League, Defenders of Wildlife, Sierra Club and Save Our Wild Salmon, as well as dozens of grassroots organizations.


Six Representatives from the Pacific Northwest region signed the letter, including Reps. Jay Inslee (D-WA), Jim McDermott (D-WA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Darlene Hooley (D-OR) and David Wu (D-OR).


“Wild salmon are indeed a national treasure and we commend these members of Congress from across the country for supporting an open, honest process that looks at all scientifically credible recovery options,” said Pat Ford, Executive Director of Save our Wild Salmon in Boise, Idaho.


Of the letter signers, 12 were Republicans. These included Reps. Thomas Petri (R-WI), Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY), Tom Campbell (R-CA), Benjamin Gilman (R-NY), Steve Horn (R-CA), Nancy Johnson (R-CT), Sue Kelly (R-NY), James Leach (R-IA), Connie Morella (R-MD), Paul Ryan (R-WI), John Edward Porter (R-IL) and Christopher Shays (R-CT).

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Following is a list of all 107 House Members who signed the letter:


Petri, Thomas (R-WI); Miller, George (D-CA); Blumenauer, Earl (D-OR); DeFazio, Peter (D-OR); Hooley, Darlene (D-OR); Inslee, Jay (D-WA); McDermott, Jim (D-WA); Wu, David (D-OR); Ackerman, Gary (D-NY); Andrews, Robert (D-NJ); Baldwin, Tammy (D-WI); Barrett, Thomas (D-WI); Becerra, Xavier (D-CA); Berman, Howard (D-CA); Boehlert, Sherwood (R-NY); Bonior, David (D-MI); Brown, Sherrod (D-OH); Campbell, Tom (R-CA); Capps, Lois (D-CA); Capuano, Michael (D-MA); Cardin, Benjamin (D-MD); Clay, William (D-MO); Conyers, John (D-MI); Costello, Jerry (D-IL); Crowley, Joseph (D-NY); Davis, Danny (D-IL); DeGette, Diana (D-CO); Delahunt, William (D-MA); DeLauro, Rosa (D-CT); Doggett, Llyod (D-TX); Engel, Eliot (D-NY); Eshoo, Anna (D-CA); Evans, Lane (D-IL); Farr, Sam (D-CA); Gejdenson, Sam (D-CT); Gilman, Benjamin (R-NY); Gonzalez, Charles (D-TX); Gutierrez, Luis (D-IL); Hall, Tony (D-OH); Hilliard, Earl (D-AL); Hinchey, Maurice (D-NY); Holt, Rush (D-NJ); Horn, Steve (R-CA); Jackson, Jesse Jr. (D-IL); Jackson-Lee, Sheila (D-TX); Johnson, Nancy (R-CT); Kelly, Sue (R-NY); Kildee, Dale (D-MI); Kilpatrick, Carolyn (D-MI); Kind, Ron (D-WI); Kleczka, Gerald (D-WI); Klink, Ron (D-PA); Kucinich, Dennis (D-OH); Lantos, Tom (D-CA); Larson, John (D-CT); Leach, James (R-IA); Lee, Barbara (D-CA); Levin, Sander (D-MI); Lewis, John (D-GA); Lipinski, William (D-IL); Lofgren, Zoe (D-CA); Maloney, Carolyn (D-NY); Markey, Edward (D-MA); Martinez, Matthew (D-CA); Matsui, Robert (D-CA); McCarthy, Carolyn (D-NY); McGovern, James (D-MA); McKinney, Cynthia (D-GA); McNulty, Michael (D-NY); Meehan, Martin (D-MA); Meeks, Gregory (D-NY); Menendez, Robert (D-NJ); Minge, David (D-MN); Mink, Patsy (D-HI); Morella, Connie (R-MD); Nadler, Jerrold (D-NY); Napolitano, Grace (D-CA); Neal, Richard (D-MA); Olver, John (D-MA); Owens, Major (D-NY); Pallone, Frank (D-NJ); Pascrell, Bill (D-NJ); Payne, Donald (D-NJ); Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA); Porter, John Edward (R-IL); Rangel, Charles B. (D-NY); Rivers, Lynn (D-MI); Roemer, Tim (D-IN); Rothman, Steven (D-NJ); Ryan, Paul (R-WI); Sabo, Martin (D-MN); Sawyer, Thomas (D-OH); Schakowsky, Janice (D-IL); Shays, Christopher (R-CT); Sherman, Brad (D-CA); Stark, Pete (D-CA); Tauscher, Ellen (D-CA); Thompson, Mike (D-CA); Tierney, John (D-MA); Towns, Edolphus (D-NY); Vento, Bruce (D-MN); Waxman, Henry (D-CA); Weiner, Anthony (D-NY); Wexler, Robert (D-FL); Woolsey, Lynn (D-CA); Wynn, Albert (D-MD).


Keith Ashdown , TCS, (202) 546-8500 x110; Kathleen McNeilly , TCS, (202) 546-8500; Chris Zimmer, SOS, (206)-622-2904


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