Dear Senator: On behalf of the undersigned organizations, we urge you to oppose Senator Saxby Chambliss’s (R-GA) amendment to the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief of 2005 that would prevent funds from being spent on the cancellation of the C-130J cargo aircraft. The President has wisely decided to cancel this troubled program and direct the $5 billion in savings over the next five years to support our troops and other pressing military priorities. During a time of record deficits and great financial needs for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the amendment is shortsighted.


Not one of the C-130Js that have thus far been delivered has been fully compliant with defense contractual specifications. Because of the C-130J’s inability to perform basic missions, only two C-130Js have been deployed to Iraq. These aircraft are little more than window dressing for a campaign to keep funds flowing to the program.


Evidence continues to mount from independent watchdogs and government oversight organizations that the administration’s proposal to eliminate the program is the best solution for taxpayers and for our men and women in uniform. The Government Accountability Office, the Department of Defense Inspector General, and the Department of Defense’s Director of Operational Test and Evaluation have all provided extensive documentation of the aircraft’s numerous performance deficiencies.


Moreover, this amendment should not be attached to the supplemental spending bill. The amendment is essentially an attempt to end run the Senate Defense Authorization Bill, which will be marked up in less than three weeks, and provides a more appropriate forum for discussing this kind of significant policy decision. Attaching the C-130J provision to the supplemental spending bill is irresponsible and grossly distorts the definition of emergency.


Again, we strongly urge you to support the President’s budget proposal by opposing the Chambliss amendment. The administration made the right decision by canceling this expensive and ineffective program.




Jill Lancelot




Taxpayers for Common Sense


Danielle Brian

Congress is crying wolf again on the Pentagon budget


Executive Director


Project on Government Oversight



“It is hard to imagine an airplane with more problems than the C-130J…”

Full-Year Continuing Resolution Gives Pentagon Spending a Wide Berth


— New York Times, March 24, 2005


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