UPDATE–February 10, 2009

The House of Representatives has heard your call. Today, Speaker Pelosi instructed the Appropriations committee to not include a pay raise for lawmakers in 2010.  Lawmakers still received a $4,700 raise this year, but through the hard work of citizens, a handful of lawmakers, Taxpayers for Common Sense, and other allies we are making progress. Keep it up!

House gives up annual pay raise (Politico)


UPDATE–February 6, 2009

H.R. 156, the “Stop the Congressional Pay Raise Act” of 2010 continues to gain co-sponsors.  The number of co-sponsors is now over 100.  Please continue contacting your elected representatives and ask them to support this important legislation. 


UPDATE–January 26, 2009

The Hill newspaper published an article today on efforts to stop the automatic congressional pay raise.  (Read the article Congressional pay freeze gains momentum ).  As noted in The Hill piece, H.R. 156 now has over 80 co-sponsors.  We need you to continue contacting your representatives to ask them to co-sponsor this legislation–or thank them if they have already done so.


Januray 14, 2009

While Americans across the country are counting pennies, concerned about keeping a steady paycheck, lawm ak ers are getting their annual automatic pay raise. The only way to stop this is to force a vote on it. 

Please contact your local lawmaker and ask them to refuse the mandated pay raise. Instead of pocketing the raise, suggest they contribute it back to the Treasury to help pay down the debt.

Also, ask them to support H.R. 156, the “Stop the Congressional Pay Raise Act” of 2010 . The bill would prevent the automatic annual increase in congressional salaries from occurring for 2010.  Click here to read the letter we sent to all members of the House of Representatives asking them to co-sponsor this legislation.

Already, more than 70 members have co-sponsored this legislation.  Contact your representative today and ask them to support this effort to stop the congressional pay raise.

Last Call for the 118th Congress


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