During conference negotiations over the stimulus bill, the egregious $50 billion expansion of the Department of Energy (DOE) Loan Guarantee Program was removed. According to several sources, including Senator Bennett in a hearing this morning , the language has been cut from the final stimulus package. The provision, originally added in the Senate Appropriations mark-up of the bill by Sens. Dorgan and Bennett, remained through Senate passage. But under intense scrutiny from House Members, the media, and the public, the language has been excluded from the final bill which is expected to be voted on this week in the House and Senate.
Read Press Coverage of this taxpayer victory:
Stimulus update: Adios to big nuke, coal assistance (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
Stimulus bill produces lots of winners and losers (Associated Press)
TCS has serious concerns with the program and vigorously opposed this expansion. Thanks to all who took action to urge their Members to oppose this egregious add on to the nearly $800 billion stimulus.
Read Taxpayers for Common Sense's letter regarding the expansion:
Letter to the House: Oppose $50 Billion DOE Loan Guarantee Program in the Stimulus
Background: DOE Loan Guarantee Program Overview Fact Sheet
Read a letter to the Speaker from several House Members urging opposition to the expansion.
For more information, please contact Autumn Hanna at (202) 546-8500 x112 or autumn[at]taxpayer.net.
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