Taxpayers for Common Sense Action sent a letter to the Senate, encouraging it to pass H.R. 2553, which would reform the wasteful Essential Air Service and end a partial shutdown of the Federal Aviation Administration. To view the letter, click here .
August 2, 2011
Dear Senator:
Taxpayers for Common Sense Action urges you to support H.R. 2553 (The “Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2011, Part IV”). Not only do we support the reform this bill contains to the Essential Air Service (EAS), but this temporary extension would allow the Federal Aviation Administration to resume collection of the approximately $30 million per day that is deposited into the Airport and Airway Trust Funds and put back to
work the tens of thousands of construction workers and furloughed FAA employees that have been effected by the current shutdown. The EAS is a relic of yesteryear, in the aftermath of airline deregulation and prior to trillion dollar budget deficits. Subsidizing flights for a handful of passengers at a cost to taxpayers of hundreds of dollars per flight or more does not make any sense, and less so in the current fiscal climate. While exceptions are acceptable in Alaska, where roads are scarce and distances great, that is the only place where EAS should remain in effect. The House bill makes minor changes to the eligibility requirements for what airports may receive EAS, but merely nibbles around the edges. We support its passage, but believe the time has come for Congress to take a full bite out of this wasteful program and save taxpayers once and for all. If you have any questions, please contact me or Erich Zimmermann at 202-546-8500 x132 or erich [at]
Ryan Alexander
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