Taxpayers for Common Sense, as part of the SmarterSafer coalition signed a letter calling on policymakers to invest in pre-disaster and nature-based mitigation and resilience strategies in hurricane- and flood-prone areas. These common sense approaches to natural disasters can save lives, protect communities, and reduce the financial burden on taxpayer-funded federal resources. Read the full letter below.
Coalition Letter on Pre-Disaster Investment
The SmarterSafer coalition urges Congress to take steps to lessen the financial burden on taxpayers and better protect communities.
Taxpayers for Common Sense, as part of the SmarterSafer coalition signed a letter calling on policymakers to invest in pre-disaster and nature-based mitigation and resilience strategies in hurricane- and flood-prone areas. These common sense approaches to natural disasters can save lives, protect communities, and reduce the financial burden on taxpayer-funded federal resources. Read the full letter below.
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