Both actors offered their reasons why they offered their support.
“Celilo Falls. When I was a boy my grandfather took me there to fish with the Indians. The dams covered the falls and soon the salmon may be only a memory as well. We must not let this happen,” said West in a statement.
West played Batman on the classic television series. Hemingway has appeared in numerous feature films.
“The wild salmon are an important natural resource that is critical at this time to preserve. Let’s save the salmon before it’s too late,” said Hemingway in a statement.
“West’s and Hemingway’s endorsements are representative of a growing national interest in retiring these dams to save taxpayers billions and save the salmon,” said Kathleen McNeilly, Director of the Snake River Campaign at Taxpayers for Common Sense.
Currently, all
The list of endorsers for removing the four dams includes businesses, prominent individuals, scientists, Native American tribes, and organizations representing conservationists, commercial and recreational fishermen, taxpayers, faith-based groups, and other interests. Organizations from 49 states, U.S. Virgin Islands,
TCS has led efforts to compile the list along with Save Our Wild Salmon, American Rivers, Trout Unlimited, National Wildlife Federation, Idaho Rivers United and Idaho Wildlife Federation.
The list of endorsers is available at For more information, please contact us.
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