At Taxpayers for Common Sense, we focus on ensuring taxpayers receive a fair return on federal investments while addressing the nation’s critical infrastructure needs in a fiscally responsible way.
In surface transportation, we advocate a “fix-it-first” approach that prioritizes repairs and maintenance over costly new projects. We also explore sustainable funding mechanisms like Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) charges to ensure beneficiaries pay for the infrastructure they use.

For clean and wastewater infrastructure, we support cost-effective, non-structural solutions that modernize aging systems and reduce waste, such as watershed-level management and integrated services.

We support strengthening user pays-for waterborne commerce infrastructure, especially inland waterways where the user pays a small fraction of the cost.

When it comes to energy infrastructure, we back fiscally prudent grid investments that align with taxpayer interests.

In aviation, we scrutinize wasteful spending in programs like the Essential Air Service (EAS), promoting alternatives that preserve connectivity at lower costs. Across all sectors, TCS opposes short-sighted spending and champions long-term, efficient, and accountable infrastructure investments.

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