One interesting thing quickly popped out. With apologies to the Bard, as lawmakers try to come up with various euphemisms to not call parochial spending items earmarks, they inevitably trip up. Last time around with earmarks it was “Congressionally Directed Spending” this time the preference is for “Community Project Funding.” The thing is before each chart outlining the hundreds of “Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending” (earmarks), there’s a page that starts with this:
DISCLOSURE OF EARMARKS AND CONGRESSIONALLY DIRECTED SPENDING ITEMS Following is a list of congressional earmarks and congressionally directed spending items (as defined in clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of Representatives and rule XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Senate, respectively) included in the bill or this explanatory statement, along with the name of each House Member, Senator, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner who submitted a request to the Committee of jurisdiction for each item so identified.
So, we’re back to earmarks. Own it lawmakers.
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