Recently it was brought to our attention that Alaskans for Don Young has been running radio ads claiming that Taxpayers for Common Sense gave Rep. Don Young (R-AK) a “Hero of the Taxpayer” award. The only award we have given Rep. Young is a Golden Fleece Award, for the $398 million Bridge to Nowhere. See below for our official statement and a full write-up on the Bridge to Nowhere.

TCS Statement on Don Young Ad Controversy (July 25,2008)

The Gravina Access Project: A Bridge to Nowhere (Feb 09, 2005)

Golden Fleece: $190 Million Bridge to Nowhere (June 12, 2003)

Here is the transcript of  the advertisement:

“This is Congressman Don Young and I approved this message. On February 29, Mark Begich told the Daily News that he didn’t run for Congress because it would take too long to gain seniority to benefit Alaska. Now Sean Parnell claims that Don Young’s seniority brings too much money to Alaska. Parnell says he’d put a stop to all Alaska earmarks. Why would Parnell do this? To get money from a group called Club For Growth, which opposes projects that benefit Alaska. Now that Parnell’s in the Club for No Growth, they’re running false ads accusing Don Young of pushing higher taxes on Alaskans when the opposite is true. Don Young was even presented the hero of the taxpayer award by Taxpayers for Common Sense. Sean Parnell ought to be ashamed. Congressman Don Young ought to be re-elected.&rdquo

(Update 1:41 pm) Statement from Alaskans for Don Young

For Immediate Release: July 25, 2008
Campaign Spokesman: Michael Anderson 907-382-9177

Anchorage, AK – In recent radio ads, we mistakenly credited the wrong organization with giving Congressman Young the Hero of the Taxpayer Award. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please be assured that the ads are being corrected to reflect that Americans for Tax Reform awarded the Congressman with this award for his commitment to the American taxpayer and his support of legislation to decrease taxes.

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