On Tuesday, TCS and the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) sent a letter urging the House Rules Committee to deem certain amendments in order for consideration during debate on H.R. 1735, the National Defense Authorization bill.

Text of the letter:

The Honorable Pete Sessions
Committee on Rules
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington DC 20515

Dear Chairman Sessions:

On behalf of both our organizations and our combined memberships, we urge that the House Committee on Rules make the following amendments in order for consideration during debate on H.R. 1735, the National Defense Authorization bill.

Each of these amendments relates to issues of importance to fiscal conservatives. We strongly believe the Pentagon’s budget cannot be held sacrosanct from the scrutiny that should apply to every federal agency. Consideration of the substance of these amendments will help to foster a public debate on these issues.

Amendment #8, offered by Mr. Burgess of Texas on auditable financial statements.

Amendment #9, offered by Mr. Lewis of Georgia on the cost of wars.

Amendment #62 offered by Mr. Smith of Washington on base closure.

Amendment #115 offered by Mr. Coffman of Colorado to implement a 20% reduction in DOD management headquarters.

Amendment #122 offered by Mr. Sanford of South Carolina on defining Overseas Contingency Operations.

Amendment #124 offered by Mr. DeFazio of Oregon reducing certain DOD salaries in relation to the inability to audit.

Amendment #223 offered by Mr. Johnson of Georgia to limit transfers of certain items under the so-called “1033 Program.”

Amendment #246 offered by Mr. Blumenauer of Oregon to repeal the National Sea-Based Deterrence Fund.

Amendment #247 offered by Mr. Blumenauer of Oregon to require a CBO estimate of the costs of nuclear weapons.

Amendment #264 offered by Mr. Ellison of Minnesota limiting the availability of funds for Littoral Combat Ships.

Amendment #271 offered by Mr. Mulvaney of South Carolina on a GAO report on the use of Overseas Contingency Operation funds.

Again we urge you to make these amendments in order for consideration during the debate on H.R. 1735, the National Defense Authorization bill. Thank you for your consideration.


Ryan Alexander
Taxpayers for Common Sense
Pete Sepp
National Taxpayers Union



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