On a side note, Subtitle F of Part V – Miscellaneous Provisions caught our eye – it mentions sunscreen and other over the counter drugs. This appears to be S. 2740 in its entirety that passed the Senate in December in a 91-2 vote. Not commenting on the substance, it’s curious this bill caught a ride on the package.
Guess you can argue that it will make approval by FDA faster for treatments, but that seems like a stretch. Here was the bill’s co-sponsors (Sens. Isakson & Casey) praise upon passage. And we can’t help but notice Sen. McConnell has a historic interest in sunscreen. And the sunscreen industry was unhappy about recent unfolding of events (rulemakings). We do budgets not OTC and not sunscreen (though we are consumers) so we can’t opine on the need, just noting it caught a ride on this package.
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