The House of Representatives is expected to vote on its version of an $825 billion economic stimulus package next week. The House package consists of legislation from both the Appropriations Committee (read the legislation the committee report ) and the Ways and Means Committee ( legislation ).  Meanwhile, the Senate Finance Committee has just released its versions of the tax and health portions of the Senate’s stimulus plan. The committee will mark up that legislation next week. The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) puts the five year cost of the Finance Committee’s legislation at $267.9 billion. You can read a summary of the Finance Committee legislation here ; a lengthier description of the Unemployment Insurance and Health provisions here ; a title by title description of the legislation here ; and, the JCT score of the legislation here .

TCS will be poring over this information in the next few days and will let you know what we find. And this is just a portion of what will eventually reach the Senate floor. So we will keep you updated on that legislation as it becomes available.

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