Senator Michael B. Enzi, Chairman
Committee on Budget
U.S. Senate
624 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Chairman Enzi:
We understand you are conferencing the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Budget Resolution. On behalf of the undersigned organizations and our combined memberships, we urge you to insist on the Senate position regarding the point of order against Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) spending that exceeds the generous level included in the budget request, roughly $58 billion.
We recently wrote to you urging the Committee to mark a resolution that maintained the budget caps and savings promised to taxpayers under the Budget Control Act (BCA) of 2011. As we wrote at that time, BCA spending levels for FY16 – in both defense and non-defense discretionary spending – actually exceed the levels enacted for FY15. The President’s proposal to jettison the caps and increase Pentagon spending by roughly $35 billion more than the approximately half trillion dollars set by the BCA is fiscally irresponsible and unnecessary. Although some have maligned the BCA, its budget caps have effectively curbed excessive spending. Any modification must be done in a way that keeps promises made to taxpayers. Fiscal discipline is needed across the federal government and that includes defense spending.
We are disappointed that the final House and Senate Budget Resolutions increased the already generous $58 billion ($51 billion for the Pentagon and $7 billion for the State Department) requested for the emergency OCO account. The account in both versions of the resolution is now $96 billion. OCO has already gained a reputation as a slush fund as more and more base budget items are being funded through this “off budget” account, this boost will only serve to burnish that reputation.
The Senate version of the Budget Resolution includes a point of order against OCO funding that exceeds the President’s Budget Request of $58 billion. We ask that Senate hold firm to this position in conference, so that lawmakers would have the opportunity for an up or down vote on this attempt to avoid the Budget Control Act restrictions.
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