Dear Friends:
Congress, the administration, and the punditry at large have been bemoaning the federal government’s fiscal situation. They say the debt is too big, the chasm between the parties too deep, and the choices too difficult. Here we are at the “cliff” of automatic indiscriminate budget cuts, an end to “temporary” tax cuts, and unfinished appropriations bills.
The biggest sticking point has been agreement about where “cuts” should be to get the nation on a stronger fiscal track. They have been saying it’s too hard. But you and I know it’s not. People with good intentions and common sense can come together and make the right choices for the nation.
In our report “Sliding Past Sequestration,” Taxpayers for Common Sense has detailed $2 trillion in specific deficit reduction measures. We’ve sent the report to Congressional offices and met with staffers throughout this fall. We’re showing that there is a way for the country to safely and responsibly navigate this fiscal cliff – and not freefall off of it.
Please join us and donate today.
Here’s what we’re doing:
• Providing REAL SOLUTIONS to the “fiscal cliff” and right-sizing the federal budget.
• FACT CHECKING false claims, such as the idea that a backroom-brokered $1 Trillion Farm Bill will somehow reduce the deficit, or that special interest tax breaks aren’t subsidies, or even lawmakers arguing that earmarks should come back to grease legislation through the Capitol.
• TAKING OUR MESSAGE TO THE MEDIA, such as my recent appearance on MSNBC, my op-ed on, and detailing “Sliding Past Sequestration” on CNBC. We need to be even more aggressive with our media outreach in the coming month so more folks know we can choose not to jump off the fiscal cliff.
Taxpayers for Common Sense has invested in new communications. We’ve brought together allies from opposite ends of the political spectrum to join us in promoting real, common sense change. And we’re getting ready for the 2013 debates over tax reform, energy subsidies, national security spending, and – again – a debt ceiling.
But we’ve got more to do, and we need your help to do it.
With thanks,
Ryan Alexander
P.S. Give a holiday gift of Common Sense! You can “DEDICATE” your gift to a special someone, and we will send a package welcoming them to Taxpayers for Common Sense!
Remember, gifts to Taxpayers for Common Sense – a 501(c)(3) organization – are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law!
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