The FY 2009 Senate Labor-Health and Human Services-Education Appropriations bill contains 942 earmarks for a total cost of more than $847 million ( click here for the database ). The number of projects has been reduced from the the FY08 Senate total of 1003 projects, but the value of the earmarks has increased nearly 25% from $680.7 million. For comparison, see the House passed version of the legislation.

Here are some of the highlights:
  • As Chairman of the Senate Labor-HHS Appropriations Subcommittee, Sen. Harkin (D-IA) takes credit for 73 local earmarks worth $36,522,000 and another seven national projects worth $92,655,000. He partnered with Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) to get $250,000 for the Washington Jesuit Academy in Washington, DC.
  • Ranking Senator on the Subcommittee, Sen. Specter (R-PA) amasses 184 earmarks from the appropriations bill worth about $36.2 million. These include 22 earmarks worth $550,000 in abstinence earmarks for all over the country, including $25,000 for A+ for Abstinence.
  • Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Sen. Cochran (R-MS) obtained 33 earmarks worth $55.2 million which includes $25 million for the Delta Health Alliance and 6 earmarks worth $11.2 million for his alma mater, the University of Mississippi. He also obtained earmarks for 9 national projects worth $98.6 million.
  • Sen. Inouye (D-HI) obtained 27 earmarks worth $110.3 million including $250,000 for education purposes at the Polynesian Voyaging Society in Honolulu, HI. Sen. Stevens (R-AK) obtained 32 earmarks worth $135.1 million including $250,000 for the Alaska PTA, Anchorage, AK, to train parents in their roles and responsibilities under the No Child Left Behind Act.
  • Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX, soon to be home to President Bush’s library, received $200,000 for construction, renovation and equipment courtesy of Sen. Hutchison (R-TX). All told, Sen. Hutchison delivered $3.1 million for Texas colleges and universities.
  • Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) got $100,000 for Western Folklife Center, in Elko, NV, for educational programming. The Western Folklife Center is regional nonprofit organization that works to “expand our understanding of ourselves and our neighbors by celebrating the everyday traditions of people who live and work in the American West.” They are best known for the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering.
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