To help you follow the CJS debate, TCS has released our database (MORE THAN 1100 EARMARKS IN HOUSE COMMERCE-JUSTICE-SCIENCE SPENDING BILL) of the more than 1,100 earmarks in the Commerce-Justice-Science spending bill (Not to be confused with the CJS of old – Commerce-Justice-State). The House continued to make it difficult to follow the money by listing the projects and funding in one place and listing the projects and member in another. But it was just another pothole in the road to transparency, which seems to be quite far from the end.
And in case any forgot that leadership has its perks, House Speaker Pelosi pulled down the biggest dollar total, $8 million for seven earmark, including $1,650,000 a Forensics Services Lab in San Francisco City and County, CA. Nipping at here heels was none other than Majority Leader Hoyer bringing in $7.7 million for 10 earmarks. Powerful appropriators followed quickly.
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