No, you’re not in the wrong place, we just have a brand new look, website, and logo. We’ve redesigned our website before, and we think this is our best one yet!
Since 1995, we’ve been the go-to budget watchdog for reliable, fact-based nonpartisan analysis, research, insight, and resources. But two decades of can content add up fast. And get unwieldy and overwhelming. Especially when the internet keeps moving ever faster. Once we started to read on our phones, you reached out even more, but it became harder to find all the content you’ve come to rely on from us – commentary, reports, tables, charts, data. Simple things like our old logo, which preceded the social media era, no longer worked. It became all the more important to have a new site that is easier to navigate, search, share, and consume. Sometimes with little more than a minute while waiting in line or sitting on a train.
Now you don’t have to wait. No more frustration at tables that precede the mobile responsive age, no more having to pinch out or expand a page, no more having to get to a laptop to see what the dataset really says. Now you can get the Weekly Wastebasket, Quote Of The Week, or any of our longer reports – on the go.
The timing could not be more important. In the next few weeks, we will be watching and scrutinizing the twists and turns of the big tax packages, and the looming deadline of December 8 – when the current spending bills expire, the deadline runs out for the National Flood Insurance Program, and we once again reach the debt ceiling.
As always, we’ll have a lot to say, and for you to rely on. So we are thrilled we have our new, easy to read and to navigate website. Please take a look, tool around, get comfortable with our new house in the sky. And if you have a moment, tell us what you think.
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