May 14, 2008
Steve Ellis, 202-546-8500
Written Statement by Ms. Ryan Alexander, President of Taxpayers for Common Sense on the House passage of the 2008 farm bill conference report.
Washington, DC – The House of Representatives voted to continue business as usual in passing a bloated and wasteful $300 billion farm bill. Instead of reforming farm programs at a time of record profits in farm country, this bill actually increases subsidies and continues to allow millionaire farm households to receive handouts from taxpayers.
To add insult to injury, behind closed doors and at the last minute, a handful of special interest earmarks were air-dropped into the conference report. The House voted for new tax breaks for horse racing and timber companies, millions for salmon fishermen and subsidies to millionaire farmers. Lawmakers missed an opportunity to end the gravy train for fat cat farmers by not increasing the automatic giveaways in the direct payment system and capping payments to wealthy farmers.
Now the Senate has the chance to weigh in on behalf of all taxpayers and reject this bloated piece of legislation. Otherwise, we’re looking forward to a presidential veto.
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