TCS submitted comments to USDA’s Request for Public Comment on the Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis.

The economic disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and increased natural disasters show the value of conservation practices in helping producers become resilient in the face of climate and market uncertainties. Incorporating conservation practices into agricultural production can help farmers and ranchers increase efficiency, reduce operator costs, increase yields, and ultimately position themselves to be better prepared for the next disaster or financial challenge.

While lawmakers and the Biden Administration explore the merits of increased federal spending to improve agriculture’s contribution to efforts to combat climate change, they must also work to reorient existing programs. Farmers and ranchers, as well as taxpayers footing the bill, need to focus on increasing the economic resilience of agricultural businesses to navigate the effects of climate change.

The USDA must take advantage of opportunities to improve the cost-effectiveness, accountability, transparency, and responsiveness of the federal farm safety net which will benefit taxpayers, the
climate, and the environment alike.  

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