Crafted by a small group of people behind closed doors, H.R. 2 rewards a small number of special interests and large agribusinesses at the expense of taxpayers.
After failing to pass it the first time, House lawmakers had a chance to pass a farm bill that actually advanced the conservative principles of cost-effectiveness, transparency, accountability, and responsiveness that must be applied to all federal safety nets. Instead, the bill is a shining example of how a bad process produces a bad result.
The time has come for U.S. agricultural policies to become more cost-effective, transparent, accountable to taxpayers, and reflective of today’s modern production practices. H.R. 2 is not a positive step in this direction.
We look forward to working with Senators on both sides of the aisle to reorient federal policy to better serve the interests of the entire agriculture sector, consumers that use agricultural goods, communities impacted by agricultural production, and federal taxpayers footing the bill.
–Ryan Alexander, President
The following statement is from Ms. Ryan Alexander, president of Taxpayers for Common Sense, on House passage of H.R.2 The Agricultural and Nutrition Act of 2018 (the 2018 Farm Bill) on Thursday, June 21, 2018:
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