On Friday, Taxpayers for Common Sense joined with 13 other groups to urge members of Congress to oppose any provisions that expand the already egregious subsidies in the farm bill. The entire letter is available below, and can be downloaded here.


November 16, 2018

Dear Representative/Senator,

The undersigned organizations are leaders in the conservative and free-market community, representing millions of members, supporters, and activists. We have come together to urge all House members and Senators to oppose any farm bill conference agreement that includes provisions to egregiously expand taxpayer subsidies. 

Such provisions would include:

1) Expanding the definition of a farm “family member” to include cousins, nephews, and nieces. This redefinition would expand a loophole that allows subsidies to go to individuals “actively managing” farm operations without any requirement they actually step foot on the farm. 

2) Eliminating the use of means testing for certain types of farms, such as farm partnerships and joint ventures, creating a loophole that would allow even billionaires to receive farm subsidies.

3) Increasing the farm subsidies agricultural producers can receive under existing law by making it possible for the “reference prices” in the Price Loss Coverage and Agriculture Risk Coverage programs to go even higher than their current levels.  This means payments could be triggered more frequently and the amount of those payments could be even greater.

For many years, Congress has tried to close some of the worst loopholes and excesses in the farm subsidy system.  However, the House farm bill inexplicably disregards these important efforts.  Quite simply, some of the House subsidy provisions reflect a complete disregard for taxpayers, fiscal responsibility, and sound policy and are unacceptable.

For more information, please contact Joshua Sewell (202.546.8500 x116, or josh@taxpayer.net).


Taxpayers for Common Sense
American Commitment
Americans for Prosperity
Campaign for Liberty
Club for Growth
Coalition to Reduce Spending
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
Heritage Action
Independent Women’s Forum
National Taxpayers Union
R Street

Taxpayers Protection Alliance

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