Every year, as part of the budget rollout, the administration in power recommends programs that should be reformed or retired to save money.

This year the “Major Savings and Reforms” appendix would like us to believe that everything’s hunky dory at the Pentagon. Not a single program in either the $597 billion base budget or the $69 billion (or is it $89 billion?) warfighting budget is tapped for reform or budget savings.

Why is it we think the Trump Administration might be overlooking a few things? We spend our days elbow deep in the Pentagon budget and could definitely recommend a few programs for budget savings. Let’s start with the F-35. And then we can pivot to nuclear triad modernization. And don’t get us started on the abuses that are rampant in the OCO budget, like military construction programs.

Color us skeptical that there are no savings to be found in Pentagon programs.


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