Like an expensive “April fools” joke on American taxpayers, Pentagon bureaucrats and pork-barrel politicians have wasted approximately $29 billion that should have been used for national defense, according to a new study on military spending released today.
The April Fool’s Day study, entitled Pentagon Follies: How the Department of Defense Is Wasting Your Tax Dollars, was released by Taxpayers for Common $ense, in conjunction with Council for a Livable World Education Fund, an organization dedicated to arms control, and Congressman Peter A. DeFazio (D-OR).
The report spotlights 21 military spending scandals that include costly weapons cancellations, perks for military brass and contractors, failed accounting systems, purchases of unneeded items and simple items with shocking price tags. Highlighted is a “Foolish Five” list of particularly outrageous items:
1. Navy’s Dairy Cows that cost $1.2 million.
2. Mickey Mouse Hotel that was recommended to be “terminated.”
3. Third Golf Course at Andrews AFB costing $5.1 million.
4. Missing $15 billion.
5. One Hinge that costs $2,187.
Every item in the report is documented through audits by the U.S. General Accounting Office and the DOD Inspector General or by media investigations.
The joke is on taxpayers who support a strong defense and are outraged to learn that the military is wasting $29 billion when the U.S. is trying to balance the budget,” said Jill Lancelot, Legislative Director of Taxpayers for Common $ense.
Senate Votes to Scrap Tea Tasting Act
On March 25, Congress passed by unanimous voice vote H.R. 2969, a bill to repeal the Tea Act of 1897, which has managed to escape at least two previous legislative attempts to end federal tea tasting. The Act requires the government to sniff and taste imported tea.
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