Taxpayers for Common Sense released a joint statement to the Senate Energy and Water Development Subcommittee urging members to oppose any inclusion of loan guarantee funding to the DOE in the FY 2011 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill.
Currently, the Senate has yet to produce a bill from subcommittee, but after the House Energy and Water Subcommittee approved $50 billion in additional loan guarantee authority to DOE, TCS remains concerned that the Senate Subcommittee may also include billions of dollars in additional authority in their appropriations bill. Such spending is fiscally reckless and unsound – placing additional fiscal burden on taxpayers at a time when spending should be of last resort.
July 20, 2010
Dear Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee Member:
Today we join together to urge you to not provide any additional loan guarantee authority to the Department of Energy (DOE) Loan Guarantee Program in the FY 2011 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill. With hundreds of billions in bailouts already on the shoulders of U.S. taxpayers, the country cannot afford to increase spending authority for a program that could easily become a black hole for tens of billions more. This week, the Government Accountability Office issued a new report highlighting significant problems with the loan guarantee program. They found the program lacked goals, circumvented the required independent checks for applicants, had no systematic process for awarding applicants and could not effectively evaluate the effectiveness of the program.
Henry Sokolski
Jeff Kueter, President
Andrew Moylan, Director, Government Affairs
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