TCS applauds the Co-chairs for not leaving any stone unturned and acknowledging the difficult budgetary choices that must be made given the urgency of our fiscal crisis.  We also provide insight on several areas in the proposal that have been a significant focus for us over the years, as well as areas where we think additional revenue can be generated—either through further cuts that produce significant savings or increased income through better management of other federal assets.

November 15, 2010

1650 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20504


We support the creation of a bipartisan commission to defund programs that have outlived their useful life. Full cost-accounting measures must be instituted to ensure taxpayers do not take on additional long-term liability. Bringing this scrutiny to federal programs can help achieve much needed reforms and cuts and save taxpayers billions.

We support the reforms to funding in aviation programs. Specifically, requiring airports to fund a greater portion of security costs and eliminating grants to the large and medium-sized hub airports. In addition, we urge you to review the Aviation Improvement Program expenditures on small and general aviation airports to ensure that they are truly necessary.

We recognize that enacting any effective budget reform will be difficult. Criticism from policymakers and interest groups across the political spectrum has virtually every proposed reform under attack. However, this proposal touches on many of the hard decisions that Congress has to make if government finances are to be put on a more sustainable path.


Taxpayers for Common Sense



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