Nuclear PlantSince the beginning of nuclear energy the federal government has provided billions in handouts to the industry. Nuclear power has received disproportionately more money than other technologies and despite these subsidies continues to be unable to stand on its own two feet in the marketplace. Instead of decreasing and diversifying our federal investments, Congress is on track to yet again reward the nuclear industry above
and beyond any other technologies.

Much of this new funding will come in the form of treasury-backed loan guarantees. The Nuclear Energy Institute is pushing for $25 BILLION in federal loan guarantees for new plants in Fiscal Year 2008 and at least $25 billion more for 2009.

Summary of Federal Subsidies

Attached is a summary of a few of the most egregious subsides the nuclear industry receives. The potential risk the US government bears with nuclear power is a cost well beyond any other federal subsidy. When it comes to Research and Development the US has also invested far more funds in nuclear power than other energy source.

 For more information, please contact Autumn Hanna at (202) 546-8500 x112 or autumn[at]

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