July 10, 2013 Dear Representative, On behalf of our members and supporters, the Green Scissors coalition urges you to support the amendment offered by Representative Jackie Speier (D-CA) to eliminate $30 million in the fiscal year 2014 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, H.R. 2609, that would go to the Department of Energy’s Fossil Energy Research and Development program. This fiscally responsible amendment would direct the savings to deficit reduction. Green Scissors is a coalition of environmental, taxpayer, and free market groups dedicated to eliminating wasteful spending that is harmful to the environment. In our Green Scissors 2012 report, the Fossil Energy Research and Development program was highlighted as an unnecessary expense that should be eliminated. While the Speier amendment leaves much of the program intact, it is an important first step to curbing this wasteful program. We urge you to support the amendment offered by Representative Speier (D-CA) and also to support other amendments that eliminate wasteful subsidies that harm the environment. In a time of across the board budget cuts, taxpayers can ill afford to be pouring any more money into wasteful programs. Sincerely,
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