August 1, 2013

Dear Senator,

American taxpayers deserve to know the priorities of their elected representatives. That is why we write urging all Senators to disclose on your website any correspondence regarding comprehensive tax reform that you submitted to the Senate Committee on Finance. To date, 18 Senators have made this information available to taxpayers and we applaud them for doing so.

While the undersigned groups do not necessarily have common goals for the outcome of tax reform, we agree that transparency is essential for the final product to have credibility with the public rather than feed cynicism.
Again, we write to urge all Senators to make public all correspondence you have had with the Senate Committee on Finance relating to comprehensive tax reform


Taxpayers for Common Sense
Advocacy for Principled Action in Government
American Commitment
American Sustainable Business Council
Americans for Prosperity
Americans for Tax Reform
Business for Shared Prosperity
Center for Effective Government
Center for Responsive Politics
Cost of Government Center
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
Domini Social Investments
Freedom of the Press Foundation
Fund for Constitutional Government
Government Accountability Project
Less Government
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
National Taxpayers Union
Project on Government Oversight
Public Campaign
R Street Institute
Society of Professional Journalists
The Sunlight Foundation
Tax Analysts
Tax Justice Network USA
Taxpayer Protection Alliance
U.S. Public Interest Research Group
Washington Coalition for Open Government
Zevin Asset Management



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