The Farm Bill IS NOT a Deficit Reduction Bill

The Farm Bill IS a Baseline Protection Bill

  • The Ag Committee circles the wagons to keep more cash under their purview, squandering billions from eliminating discredited direct payments, and taking credit for $6 billion in sequester savings
  • Three redundant “shallow loss” income entitlement programs are created to keep subsidies flowing to a sector projected to generate record farm profits in 2013

    • Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) – 65% subsidized
    • Stacked Income Protection (STAX) – 80% subsidized
    • Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) – 100% subsidized

The Farm Bill IS NOT a Response to the Drought

  • The bulk of this bill was written in 2011, long before the drought occurred
  • This bill is not an evaluation of what worked and what did not in 2012
  • This bill makes taxpayers responsible for guaranteeing revenue for select producers through new, parochial crop insurance carve-outs: peanut revenue, catfish margin, business interruption for poultry, seafood harvesters, alfalfa, and more.

The Farm Bill Ignores Economic Reality and the Deficit

  • The Agriculture economy is booming, having experienced its two best years in a generation and this year is projected to be even better
  • This bill is designed to funnel cash when times are good, but not great, through “shallow loss” programs. Shallow is by definition not catastrophic
  • Sequestration is in full force, yet this bill diverts billions of savings from eliminating direct payments to create new entitlement programs
  • Crop insurance has exceeded its CBO score at passage every year since the last Farm Bill. There is no evidence this expensive trend will change

This trillion dollar business-as-usual farm bill IS NOT in the interests of taxpayers.


For more information please at 202-546-8500 or

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