Dear Representative:

On behalf of our organizations and our combined memberships, we urge that the House Committee on Rules make the following amendments in order for consideration during debate on H.R. 3219, the Make America Secure combined appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2018.

  • Amendment #88 to Section A, submitted by Reps. Ellison (D-MN), Welch (D-VT) and Lewis (RMN) to eliminate the so-called National Defense Restoration Fund from the Pentagon base budget accounts.
  • Amendment #146 to Section A,  submitted by Reps. Ellison (D-MN), Welch (D-VT) and Lewis (RMN) to eliminate the so-called National Defense Restoration Fund from the Pentagon Overseas Contingency Operations budget accounts.

This new fund would add more than $28 billion to the Pentagon’s topline, $9 billion of that in the “offbudget” Overseas Contingency Operations accounts.  The bill language associated with this new fund would give the Secretary of Defense almost complete discretion to spend this money. The Secretary would only be required to give the Congress 30 days notice of his intention to obligate the funds with the vague direction that they be spent on “programs, projects and activities necessary to implement the 2018 National Defense Strategy.”

Such loose requirements for the expenditure of $28 billion of taxpayer money is an issue of importance to fiscal conservatives. We strongly believe the Pentagon’s budget should not be shielded from efforts to root out waste and prioritize funding investments. This National Defense Restoration Fund is a further step down the path of fiscal irresponsibility. A new fund, very similar to the Overseas Contingency Operations fund, should not be started without a full debate on its efficacy.

For that reason, we urge the House Committee on Rules make the Ellison/Welch/Lewis amendments in order for consideration during debate on H.R. 3219.


Campaign for Liberty

Center for Freedom and Prosperity

Coalition to Reduce Spending

Concerned Veterans for America

National Taxpayers Union

Taxpayers for Common Sense

Taxpayers Protection Alliance

Tea Party Nation

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