Congress, the administration, and the punditry at large have been bemoaning the federal government’s fiscal situation. They say the debt is too big, the chasm between the parties too deep, and the choices too difficult. Here we are facing a “cliff” of $1.2 trillion in automatic indiscriminate budget cuts and $5.4 trillion in expiring tax cuts.

Taxpayers deserve better than this. The nation needs Congress to work. There is too much at stake.

That’s why Taxpayers for Common sense has come up with the solutions. For seventeen years, we’ve provided a voice for common sense solutions to our nation’s pressing problems. The right answer may not always be popular, it may be hard to swallow politically, but it’s right. We don’t care if you’re liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat or Independent, we’re ready to work with you if you’re ready to work to cut waste and get the American taxpayer what they deserve – a responsible federal government that lives within its means.

Congress and the President do not need to plunge taxpayers off a “Fiscal Cliff”. Deploying common sense solutions can make government work and put the country on sound footing to deal with our deficits and debt.

TCS Statement on the Fiscal Cliff Deal

Statement by TCS President Ryan Alexander, January 3, 2012


Make a down payment on responsible deficit reduction:  Common Sense Proposal to Rappel the Fiscal Cliff

Solve Sequestration with $2 trillion in deficit reduction:  Sliding Past Sequestration

Background on the fiscal cliff:

Congress: Avoid Fiscal Cliff and Go Home (Nov 14, 2012)

An Open Letter to Congress: Common Sense Needed Now More Than Ever (Nov 9, 2012) 

Sharpening the Pencils on Deficit Reduction (Oct 5, 2012)

Fiscal Cliff Jumping (Sept 21, 2012)

The Fiscal Cliff and Specific Programs

Agriculture: Letter to Congress: Oppose Any Fiscal Cliff Farm Bill Deal

Agriculture: Farm Bill Fiasco

National Security: The Ostrich Approach to Budgeting

Trade Policy: Miscellaneous Tariff Benefit Data


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