Statement by Ms. Ryan Alexander, president of Taxpayers for Common Sense on Senate Finance Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) Introducing the Debt Management and Fiscal Responsibility Act:

Washington, DC – Taxpayers for Common Sense applauds Chairman Hatch for introducing the Debt Management and Fiscal Responsibility Act. This common sense legislation will require communication between the Department of the Treasury and Congress about the national debt, its drivers, and proposed solutions. As the need to increase the federal debt ceiling approaches, the Treasury Secretary will appear before Congress and present what should be done in the short, medium, and long terms as well as progress on debt reduction. All of this information will be made public. This dialogue should trigger greater Executive-Legislative branch cooperation to tackle this looming problem. The national debt is more than $19 trillion and the Congressional Budget Office projects that it will continue to grow. This is unsustainable and the first step to reining in the debt is to help the public have a greater understanding of the drivers and solutions so they can demand action from policymakers. Again, thanks to Chairman Hatch for his leadership.

– Ryan Alexander, president

Taxpayers for Common Sense is an independent voice for taxpayers working to increase transparency and expose and eliminate wasteful and corrupt subsidies, earmarks, and corporate welfare.

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